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Tag: rainbow energy

How to Find Your Flow -Channeling Rainbows through Dance

Above is a picture of me with my fiber optic space/dance whip.

I was at Bassnectar in downtown Miami when it happened. I had mistakenly worn pants to an outdoor show in the Miami heat.  I went to the bathroom to tactically redesign my outfit.  I turned my hip scarf into a sarong and my psychedelic headband into a tube top.  My blue and purple dreads of yarn (courtesy of Costume Creator/Goddess Carmen Katz) were adding substantially to my level of suffocation.  For beauty’s sake, I heaped them up onto the top of my head using a variety of rubber bands. 

And then I saw it – a girl creating the most beautiful rainbows with a fiber optic whip.  It reminded me of a magical tail.  It had a metal handle and five-foot long fiber optic strands that lit up in ever changing rainbow patterns. 

I had seen one at another show and had let it get away.  I was not about to pass up another opportunity.  I approached the girl and asked her for details.

From there my love turned into a lengthy and expensive affair that wouldn’t stop with one light up whip. From wings to poi to levitation wands, I began to develop a healthy obsession with glow toys.  Thankfully, I discovered that I had room in my heart for all of them.

What I quickly came to understand was how I could extend my dance energy and intention beyond myself through the light of the whip.  In other words, when I dance, I envision rainbow energy coming from the core of my being and extending outward from there.  The beautiful thing is that there is no wrong way to dance. 

A unicorn spinning rainbows. What could be more right in this World?


That said, if you are interested in experiencing rainbows shooting from your fingertips, you can start here:

First, find your core. Stand tall, close your eyes, and bend your knees slightly.  Feel your feet firmly rooted into the Earth.  Next, imagine you have a marble made of rainbow light at your root chakra. Squeeze at your root chakra, so that you don’t drop it. Hold, breathe more light into it and then using your internal muscles, squeeze and roll it all the way up to your heart chakra area through your middle. Once you have it in position, envision the marble of shining light at the center of your being, as all of its edges dissolve and you allow it to grow. Feel it connecting you and feeding your entire body, and flowing through you from that point with its sublime rainbow energy. 

Once you’ve locked in on locating your core point of strength, do some tiny movements around it as your center.  Try a chest circle or undulation.  Try putting your arms into different positions while still maintaining your awareness of your core – so out to the side, above your head, down at your hips.  Then try to move across the floor with some of the movements while maintaining awareness of your core. Again, start small.

Once you have found core and the music starts, if you have one, you can turn on your light up toy of choice (ball, whip, wand). If not, this exercise still works, that’s the beauty! As you dance, imagine that my every movement emanates from that source of light that connects you to your Divinity.  Envision the light flowing through you and out through your fingertips, your hips, and through the rainbows you’re creating.

Check out some of these great glow toys:

Glow FX Fiber Optic Programmable Space whip

Emazing Lights Elite Flow Levitation Wand – Short String

LED Poi Ball Swirling Light Rave Toy (Set of 2)

UltraPoi Helix Poi Set LED Poi for Raves and Concerts LED Glow Sick

LED Pixel Pro Goggles by GloFX

Please note that as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

A Rainbow Inspired Guide to Laughter, Love and Creation

At the Outside Lands music festival in San Francisco circa 2014, I met a dancing unicorn. There was no turning back. My own inner unicorn, Rainbow Sparkles, had been realized. From that day onward, I have been birthing my unicorn rainbow dreams into this dimension. 

(Above) Rainbow Sparkles –
Find Rainbow Wig & Tail here ;
Heart shaped glasses here

Fast forward to June 2020. The pandemic had arrived. The World’s health situation had become ominous. I was home meditating on hope.

I heard thunder and stepped out into my fairies’ garden. I looked up to see a HUGE rainbow approaching.  My hair was standing on end. Dense black storm clouds were pushing it forward at an amazingly rapid speed. Lightning within the rainbow was flashing every few seconds. It was a sight I will never forget. In the midst of the storm, I could feel the power of the lightning and the inspiration of the rainbow pulsing through me.  I stood with my palms open and allowed it to flow through me. Finally, the rainbow disappeared almost directly over my house.

In that moment I understood, with every molecule of my being, what it meant to be connected to something much bigger than my self. I felt electrified. I was completely in awe as it was happening (which explains why I didn’t snap photos). I sensed that good things were approaching and that magical things were already afoot.

Without the rain, there would be no rainbows. Sometimes we just need to take a moment, look up, breathe and be grateful for what surrounds us.

Take a moment to close your eyes right now, and envision a rainbow. Breathe it in, allowing it to bring you light, healing and hope. Breathe it out, and imagine that you are breathing that same uplifting rainbow energy back out into the World. Take a few more breaths and be aware of how it feels to let the Divine rainbow energy flow through you. It is YOU that has the ability to transform energy through your vision and breath. This is your super power.

May All Things Rainbow inspire you to laugh, love and create.

This then, is my dream.

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